
Swimming Technology Research

Advanced technology for swimming technique instruction and analysis

Swimming Science Journal

Dr. Brent Rushall's collection of resources on Ultra-Short Race-Pace Training (USRPT)


Eat Right, Swim Faster

Author Abby Knox, RD
The ultimate nutrition resource for competitive swimmers of all ages.

Swimming Science

Edited by G. John Mullen
Swimming Science covers physiology, psychology, and safety, as well as hydrodynamics, nutrition, and technique.

Approaching Perfect Swimming + Science

Author Rod Havriluk, Ph.D.
The expanded version includes 160 pages that detail optimal technique with the scientific justification.

Technology and Equipment


Hand force with synchronized underwater video for the most advanced technique analysis

Want to suggest a resource?

Is there a credible, science-based swimming resource you would like to see linked on this page? Let us know!